Integrated Diary Farm Project at Thennamaravdi village, Trincomalee

The project goal is to provide sustainable employment opportunities to the resettled people including widows, disabled and economically marginalized and abandoned by different reasons. The people, who had displaced from this area during the turmoil period and resettled there with limited facilities. The poverty is the pivotal reason which curtails their interest of relocating. Therefore, this project aims to overcome the challenges immensely.
The village is an agricultural village with the availability and suitability of natural resources for this project. And, the people who belong to this village, have sound knowledge and experience in agriculture and animal husbandry. In addition, the younger generation who are employed in government and non-government sectors also shows keen interest in agriculture and animal farming because of insufficiency of income for their livelihood and their passion in farming.
Local producers’ sale and information center (LPSIC) in Mullaitivu Town, Mullaitivu district

The rural producers have limited capacity to make marketing linkages, adapting new technologies and obtain other value addition support for their production. The wholesales buyers are unable to buy required quantity of products from one producer in expected quantity and quality. So, there is a requirement to have a coordination & information center to coordinate between producers, wholesaler and buyers. In meantime, consumers including local, international people, specially diaspora community need to have a designated place to buy all locally produced culture-based products in one designated place in the district. The LPSIC will provide following facilities to the local produces and consumers.
- Showcase their products in one location. It will help all producers compare their products quality, features, styles, symbolism, durability, and related services and create competition among them produce innovative products.
- Provide logistic benefits to consumers specially tourists and diaspora community to buy product in one-stop. Tourist and diaspora people are desired to buy their traditional as well as culturally bonded products with trusted quality and quantity.
- Function as a single point of contact desk to response all queries and request of the consumers, wholesalers and retails sellers about local specific products. A single data base about details of Local producers including type of products, capacity, quality, quantity of production etc will be maintained in the center.
- Interact with local and international buyers as well as service providers to obtain value-added services and link them relevant producers. The local producers will obtain new technologies, get to know innovative ideas and business development opportunities.
Food Security

During the strictly enforced lock down (daily curfew) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka, the people in the first four categories are still able to manage with their basic needs. However, the daily wage earners are unable to make ends meet. They rely on daily wages for even their basic needs such as their daily meals. Sri Lankan government has not provided any support to this segment of the population. The Tamil population in the North and East of Sri Lanka have higher number of women headed households and people with disabilities due to the war. They also have greater unemployment, poverty and malnourishment, which also makes them more vulnerable to the COVID-19 outbreak.