Dr.Pathmanathan Sathiyalingam
Dr. Pathmanathan Sathiyalingam is professionally a Medical Practitioner. He rendered his yeoman services in different Govt and Private Hospitals in Sri Lanka. He was Medical Officer of Health (MOH) for Vavuniya. He was the Executive Committee Member in Sri Lanka Red Cross Society and then he was elected as chairman. He was elected as Provincial Council Member in in the NPC Election held in 2013. He was a Provincial Minister of Health, Indigenous Medicine and Probation and Childcare Services of Northern Provincial Council during the period of October 2013 to August 2017. He is a visionary leader and intention to promote economic development and health care system of the northern regions. He has good rapport with different local and international organizations and connecting them for the regional socio economic wellbeing / betterment.

Former Director & Adviser of NEED Center Dr Yogarajah Nanthagopan is Dean of Faculty of Business Studies and the Senior Lecturer in Project Management at Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. Mr. Nanthagopan has been 15 years’ experience in teaching and consultancy in Business and Project Management. He holds a PhD in Management (Project Management) from the Bournemouth University. He holds a BBA and MBA from the University of Jaffna, and Rajarata University respectively. His research interests include Project Management, Organizational Development and Strategic Management. Accomplished professional and consulting career reflects in organizational development, capacity building, small and medium enterprises development, strategic planning and project management in private and non-governmental organizations.